How to Avoid Being Tracked Online
In this age of modern technology, there are plenty of people out there who want to spy on you and track what you are doing. This could be government organizations, large businesses who want to gather consumer data or criminals who want to use your personal information in fraudulent ways. To combat this, there are steps you can take to avoid being tracked and to improve your personal online security.
Clear Browsing History Most websites you visit will place “Cookies” on your computer which are used to gather information on your trends concerning their website. This means that companies can see your details and web-browsing trends and use the information to tailor their service to you. What if you don’t want that to happen? Simply delete your entire browsing history after every session and this will remove those cookies.
Use a Variety of Passwords How many of us simply pick one password and use it for every single online account we have? While this makes it easy to remember, it also makes it extremely easy for hackers to infiltrate your personal information - All they need is to find your one password and they will have access to all your accounts. Use several different passwords, and also use passwords that are not associated with yourself such as your birthday or surname.
Use a VPN s\Service A great way to protect your personal data and avoid being tracked is by using a VPN service. Instead of connecting directly to the internet, you will connect to a VPN server that will hide your personal IP address and also encrypt incoming and outgoing data to ensure complete security and privacy.
Do not Reply to Suspicious Emails Spam email and emails containing malicious content are rife online and it only takes one click to fall prey to one. If you receive an email that looks even remotely suspicious then delete it straight away - Do not click on any links or reply to the email. Any kind of acknowledgment or interaction with the suspicious email could lead to all sorts of danger including the activation of viruses. Use your common sense - If it looks suspicious, then it probably is!
Do not Post Personal Details Online Pretty much every website you visit will ask for your personal details somewhere down the line and in most instances, we do not think twice about giving away our name, address, and email, what harm could come from that? In an ideal world, none! But we live in a world full of people looking to do harm and you should always take extreme care and consideration when disclosing your personal information to anyone online - You simply do what people could do with this information.
The web is, unfortunately, a place that can be unsafe. If you take the appropriate measures and take on board the above tips, you should be able to enjoy a safer browsing experience and avoid being tracked online.

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